Wednesday, 15 July 2009


Ok, so it's been months and months - but I've been busy - ok?!

In the last few months I have:
  • welcomed various scaly creatures into my house
  • persuaded my parents to let me get furry creatures (rats) - in the full knowledge that the scale creatures eat rats...!
  • been on a lovely trip to Boston - pics on Facebook - visiting Dana and having a *lot* of good food :D
  • Had a job interview for the summer- I'm going to be a playworker - lots of mess and fun :)
  • Graduated! With a 2.1, so now I have to prepare for my PGCE in September, and become a teacher! (pics also on Facebook, or will be soon)
Currently I am relaxing before I need to do lots of reading for September, preparing for the welcome of ratties to my home, and getting ready to go on two weeks of summer camp. Then I have at least one full week of work before going on placement. I'm going to be exhausted by September, and I have a hard year ahead of me then! Ah well.

I may or may not be more regular than this in the future...!


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