I had a very good evening with very pleasant company and a louder than normal Nielle! As in I was actually talking :P. Unfortunately, I didn’t take any pictures, but other people did so when they’re up on Facebook I shall ‘steal’ them ^^.
In school news, this week has been very hard :(. For some reason the kids have suddenly decided to become louder and not pay as much attention – sometimes even when their normal class teacher is in the room! I think it might be because they don’t see us as ‘real’ teachers so they think they can play up a bit. If it gets much worse then ‘teacher Nielle’ will be surfacing. They’re still sweet though most of the time, and it’s certainly not putting me off teaching :). I saw something by another assistant: ‘sometimes they’re adorable snugglebunnies, and sometimes they’re the spawn of Satan’. This sums it up quite nicely :P
We’ve got the CE2s up to the weather and the months now and we’re starting ‘He is/She is’ whilst confusing them nicely with the fact that we also say ‘He’s/She’s’. Yay English! The CM1s and CM2s are pretty much doing the same thing. This is a combination of the fact that one CM2 class is half CM1 anyway, and the other CM2 class are the worst behaved so we’re going a lot slower. Plus it’s best to keep those at the same level doing the same thing else me and Joanne get extremely confused! The CM1 are kind of doing ‘Do you like…?’ but the CM1 we have at the other school are doing clothes. But we keep them kind of separate most of the time as they are so much better behaved and work faster; socio-economic status certainly plays a big part…(i.e that school is in the city centre and is semi-selective I think and the other where I have most of my classes is in the suburbs which are slightly rougher).
Don’t think there’s anything else, except that I’m off to